Designing Women-Centered Leadership Programs


Dr. Brancu shares her journey to consulting psychology – a winding road like so many of our SCP members. She was continually drawn to elements of consulting without having the definition for this area of impact. She notes attending the SCP Society of Consulting Psychology Annual Conference left her saying, “These are my people!” Mira shares how she became interested in supporting women in leadership as part of her company, Towerscope’s, social impact model. Dr. Brancu shares her latest iteration in the mission to design & scale affordable, accessible, women-centered development. She notes lessons learned in developing a community membership program. Applications are open for the 9-week Founding Member beta version:… Finally, we learn more about Mira’s joys in life and continued membership in SCP. Thank you to Dr. Brancu for joining me (Patti Weiter, SCP Marketing Chair) on this episode. Our podcast allows us to learn more about and from our members to drive the sense of community so many value.


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