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Gena Cox
CEO Feels Human, LLC Clearwater, FL 8134340416Consultant Services: Executive coaching for Leadership Impact, Diversity Equity, and Inclusion Strategy
Industries Served: Financial Services, Technology, Manufacturing
Dr. Gena Cox is an I/O psychologist, executive coach, and author of the new book Leading Inclusion, a groundbreaking guidebook for corporate leaders who want to build inclusive organizations from the top down. Gena, CEO of Feels Human, LLC, has spent more than 25 years helping leaders build healthy organizational cultures and measuring employee opinions. Before this, at IBM and Perceptyx, Gena advised leaders in the Fortune 500 and other large global companies to build psychologically healthy and engaging organizational cultures that drive business outcomes. A noted voice on human-centered leadership, Gena shows executives how to stop using 2019 behavior to address 2022 workplace challenges.