SCP Forum
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Welcome Members

Welcome Members

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  • In this section, we would like all new and current members to introduce themselves and we expect community members to engage and welcome new members in. We may also suggest some current members you might want to get to know better based on your interest areas. Here are some guidelines and suggestions:
    • Add a picture of yourself so we can recognize you when we hold events.
    • Describe what you do. Looking for some guidance for how to start? Check out [insert a few examples of real members with good intros]
    • Learn One, Teach One: 
      • Is there something you like to learn from the community that could be self-contained within a 30-60 minute call? If so, preface it with “#learn” and add some detail about what you need - the more specific, the more likely you will get responses. 
      • Do you have something you can teach someone else how to do, like branding, marketing, business development, publishing, etc that could be limited to a 30-60 minute call or a handout you can send? If so, preface it with “#teach” and add some detail about the offer. 
  • For example:
“#learn I would love if I could get some information about how to set up by consulting business.” 
“#teach I can offer anyone interested a templated pitch deck I use for all my prospects”
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Hey Colleagues! I wanted to reintroduce myself here as your Community Domain leader!
I'm a passionate IO Psychologist (shoutout to my IOPs) specializing in marketing and consumer psychology.
Since joining SCP in 2013 as a graduate student, I've served in various capacities: Social Chair, Training and Development Liasion, Student Engagement Chair, Marketing Chair, Membership Chair, APA Chair, SCP Conference Chair, LDI Associate and now Community Domain Leader. A few of my flagship projects have been: the SCP Mentorship Program and the SCP Podcast.

Alongside many of you, we've done some incredible work together, built some amazing things, and fostered a great community that is thriving today! As Community Domain Leader alongside my committee members: Joanne Lebrun, Pattie Weiter, Lindsey Shima, Sunni Lampasso, Kayin Banfield, Stefanie Mockler and Bridget Horan, I'll be continuing our work by fostering and cultivating the values of this amazing organization:

  • Stimulating the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and consulting experiencing among psychologists
  • Promoting psychological research and professional development in the area of consulting psychology
  • Encouraging high standards of consultation
  • Fostering cooperative relations with allied associations and all APA divisions and
  • Advancing multiculturalism, internationalism, and diversity
Our theme during my tenure will be "I AM SCP" showcasing the unity in our diversity of background and expertise as Consulting Psychologists, recognizing the abundance of voices full of wisdom within our community and lifting the voices of those paving and developing their paths. More details will be coming about this soon!
Here's how we in the Community Domain can help you:
  • Connecting you with the right member(s) and resources
  • Identifying opportunities within SCP that fit your interests 
  • Providing you with the tools to share your expertise
and much more to come!
If you have questions or feedback about your member experience, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Dr. J

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@natasha-jordan0gmail-com Hi NaTasha. Nice to meet you. My name is Amber. I am a doctor of behavioral health, working in behavioral health consultation, victim advocacy, and violence prevention and intervention. I am attending Alliant getting a second doctorate in Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Like you, I serve in many capacities. I am the President of the American Association of Doctors of Behavioral Health. The editor-in-chief of our organization's upcoming magazine. I am the Director of Violence Prevention and Victim Advocacy for the Freedom Train Project Inc. I am also the CEO of my own healthcare training, consultation, and education organization. Finally, I am a published author, and have several writing projects I'm working on. We do have a podcast, called the Break Room, that is on hiatus, as my healthcare team is struggling with multiple family issues. I hope that this organization has some opportunities for showcasing the work that many of us as consultants do, or opportunities for consultation projects. Again, it is nice to meet you.

Posts: 7
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hi SCP community,

I am Patti Weiter, SCP Marketing Chair under the Community Domain. This summer, I have been working on posting to our LinkedIn as a way to engage with our current members & potential new members. I am also working to get out some new episodes of the SCP Podcast 

Other fast facts about me:

  • I am based in Louisville, KY & currently serve as President-Elect of the Kentucky Psychological Association
  • My consulting firm = Shine Psychology LLC
    • Using positive organizational scholarship applications to optimize well-being & functionality in the workplace.
    • Strengths, job crafting, resilience, psychological capital, change management
    • Assessment, coaching, facilitation, and organizational consultation
  • I have worked for VA for about 10 years
  • Subcontract with Pixel Leadership Group/Jamie Lewis-Smith as an executive coach (She rocks!)
  • I love karaoke & yoga, laughing at movie quotes with my husband, and have 3 young daughters
  • Let's connect!  
Posts: 1
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm Anika Wilson, a doctoral student in IO Psychology at Capella University. I am 65% complete with my Ph.D. (straight A's so far) and I'm ready to get to work. For the last five years, I've run my business consulting firm Nobody Greater LLC specializing in business development, marketing, and strategic system development, in addition to creating and coordinating my podcast Your Voice; Your Power with Anika, a conference series ImfluaXion Conference and founding a nonprofit Infinite Women's Network. This year, I became the Chair of the SIOP-Learning Resources for Practitioners committee and it has kept me busy. I consider myself a transplant from clinical psychology as I spent 20 years in corrections, child welfare, addiction, mental health, and long-term care. As an active duty military spouse, I had to find a career that was mobile so my consulting firm was born.

At this time I am looking to #learn how to integrate my new knowledge of IO-psychology with my old "clinical" knowledge to reinvent my consulting firm to offer more IO services. My dissertation research is on the departure of African American women from corporate and the rise of minority-owned businesses based on toxic leadership. I would love to focus more on the training and development of organizational leaders yet struggle to market these services. I can build businesses complete with incorporation, services, marketing strategies, and system development for everyone but myself! I own a white-labeled LMS system that I've added all of my talks, content and resources in yet I am paralyzed by insecurity when sharing with the world. 

I can #teach branding, marketing, business development, and strategic system development with my eyes closed. I love designing websites, assessments, graphics, and systems for business owners. I research software and systems and analyze organizational needs to provide leaders with the most efficient tools to facilitate products and services with ease. 

I am excited to be here and look forward to learning and growing with each of you. Thank you for all of the knowledge and skills shared within this organization. It is refreshing.

Anika Wilson


P.S. @natasha I believe we met on a recent conference call. 
