
The Science of Self-Confidence: Helping Leaders Gain and Demonstrate the Confidence they Need to Succeed

For leaders, feeling and demonstrating self-confidence is a necessity. It can influence motivation to set stretch goals, learn new skills and develop in areas they find challenging. We will examine new global leadership research exploring the relationship between self-confidence and effectiveness, and the behavioral correlates of self-confidence. We will also discuss practical strategies for improving self-confidence using 360 assessments. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION

Coaching Elite Performers

This 90-minute presentation focuses on (1) many of the intra and interpersonal dynamics most effective in achieving credibility and influence with elite performers and (2) a conceptual system for the integration of coaching investigations and interventions. Though case examples include a focus on elite military members (Special Forces, Marine Raiders, etc.) the principles presented are powerful when applied to the coaching of any uniquely talented, intellectually bright, aggressive and highly competitive individuals or groups. Though examples are specific and concrete, the principles conceptually represent the balancing of confidence and humility in coaching demeanor, mindful investigation of client needs, and the development of functional strengths in the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of client performance. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION